i think this mini project is in fact the first time for me to have ever written so much stuff in korean. (the next longest writing would have to be the intermediate topik essay in 2011 which i have totally no idea what did i write about.) i tried to only think in korean when typing my thoughts in korean, and i realized it was quite a good practice! watching lots of variety shows seem to have really increased my knowledge on expressions in korean! (lol.. trying to find some excuse for watching too much 예능프로.. ㅎㅎ)
nonetheless, through the postings here, i'll try to translate my own posts from korean to english.... and see if the contents or nuance of my lame humor would differ... (though i bet i'll differ 'cos i'll be so sucky with my translations...) ㅜㅜ
so here comes part 1:
한국에 갔다온 지 일주일 됐어.. 내가 졸업여행하러 절친이랑 한국에 갔어.. 한 달 동안 있었어..
it has been a week since i came back from korea.. i went to korea for my graduation trip with my best friend.. was there for 1 month..
한국 여행 세 번째인 나랑 달리 내 친구는 처음 가봤어.. 내 친구는 아예 한국말을 못해도 (한글을 읽을 수 있긴 한데) 무사히 한국에서 살았었어.. ㅋㅋ 나도 많이 가 본 적 없는 곳곳에도 다녀왔어.. 가 봤던 곳을 또 다시 한번 알아볼 수 있었던 것 같아..
different from myself going for my third trip to korea, my friend was going there for the first time.. although my friend couldn't speak any korean (she can read hangul though), she was able to survive in korea with no problems.. ㅋㅋ i went to places that i never went before... i was also able to rediscover those plaes that i had been to before..
-note to self (while i'm halfway translating): why is it so hard to translate 반말 into english? i seem to have lost most of the friendliness (친근함) which was there in korean. = = 헐... -
우리의 여행 여정 테마는 "한국 한 바퀴"이었어.. ㅎㅎ
the theme for our trip was "one round across korea" ㅎㅎ
서울 -> 전라도 광주 -> 제주도 -> 부산 -> 안동 -> 속초 -> 춘천 -> 서울
seoul - > jeolla-do gwangju -> jeju-do -> busan -> andong -> sokcho -> chuncheon -> seoul
경주도 가려고 했는데 갑자기 여행하다가 일이 생겨서 이번에 패스하기로 했어.. ㅠㅠ
we also wanted to go visit gyeongju but had to pass it because something cropped up during the trip. ㅠㅠ
end of part 1
link for original post (with errors):
a quick look at the map (note: jeju-do has been shifted by the original image creator)...
credits to 정해유포토디자인연구실 for the korea map which also points out "50 beautiful places to visit in korea" selected by cnn travel... !!! 다 가고 싶다.. ><
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