첫번째 여정지는 서울이었어… 도착한 날이 비가 많이 왔어… ㅠㅠ… 한 일년 동안 못 써봤던 한국말을 다시 말하려니까 너무 어려웠어… 오른손잡이가 왼손으로 글을 쓰는 듯한 불자연스러운 그 느낌이었어... 예약해 놓은 선불심카드를 받아서 리무진 버스를 타고 숙소를 향해 출발~
the first destination was seoul... it rained alot on the day we reached.. ㅠㅠ... the last time i spoke korean was about a year ago, so it was quite difficult trying to pick it up again.. the feeling was awkward, just like a right-handed person using his/her left hand... we picked up the sim-cards that was pre-registered for and took the limousine bus towards our accommodation...
내릴 버스 정류장에 도착한 후 왠지 비가 또 많이 와서 비를 맞으며 캐리어를 들고 길을 찾으면서 드디어 아마 서울에서 제일 싼 숙소에 도착했어… 좀 정리하고 먼저 간 장소는 바로 은행.. ==''' 싱가포르에서 환전하기 전에 한국 돈 큰 짜리가 있냐고 물어봤는데 '네'라고 대답해서 환전을 해 달라고 했어… 근데 나온 돈이 다 만원짜리이었어… ㅠㅠ 만원짜리 가장 크대.. 오만원짜리가 있냐고 물어볼 걸… 친구돈 같이 합쳐서 300만원 넘었는데 다 만원짜리인건 어이없었어.. 어쨌든 은행에서 다 오만원짜리로 교환하고 서울역 쪽으로 가서 구경을 좀 하고 롯데 마트에서 장도 보고 이렇게 첫번째 날을 보냈어…
after alighting at the right bus-stop, the rain suddenly got bigger for no reason and we had to lug our heavy carriers in the rain, finding our directions to (probably) the cheapest accommodation place in seoul.. after reaching, we settled down a bit. the first place we went was the bank.. ==''' when we were still in singapore, we went to the money-changer and asked if they have the biggest denomination of the korean notes available for exchange.. the money-changer replied yes and we asked to change our money... but the korean notes we got back were all 10000won notes only.. ㅠㅠ the money-changer guy said that it was their biggest... i should have asked if they have 50000won notes... nonetheless, we changed our 10000won notes to 50000notes at the bank.. and headed to seoul station... after sight-seeing a while, we entered lotte mart and bought some stuff... and this was how we spent the first day in korea...
다음 날… 보통 사람은 아마 예상도 못할 곳에 구경하러 갔어… 바로…….
the next day... we went to a place which probably no one would have ever thought of... and that is.....
보라매 안전체험관!
boramae safety experience center!
가게 된 이유가 이곳이 런닝맨 출연했던 곳이란 단순한 이유 때문이었어.. ㅎㅎ
the reason that made us went there was simply 'cos it was a running-man shooting place..
자연재해가 거의 없는 나라에서 자라 온 내가 여기서 여러가지 체험을 할 수 있을만큼 큰 도움이 된 것 같아.. 이게 다 영어를 잘 못하시지만 계속 콩그리시라도 바디랭귀지랑 같이 힘들게 설명해주신 김영수 119아저씨 덕분이었지요! 너무나 고맙습니다! 서울로 돌아가서 연락도 못 드려서 죄송하지만은.. ><
it turned out to be of great help to me as i was able to experience the difference types of disasters as a person who grew up in a country who (claim to) have no natural disasters... and it was all possible thanks to firefighter Mr Kim Yeong Soo, our 119 ajusshi, though bad at english but still painstakingly did the explanations with konglish and body language... we were really grateful! we're sorry that we did not contact you when we went back to seoul again... ><
그 다음에 청계천이나 트릭아트뮤지엄이나 세종대왕이야기박물관도 구경해 봤어…
after that, we also went sightseeing at the cheonggyecheon river, the trick art museum and the king sejong's story museum...
세종대왕이야기에서는 세종대왕 그리고 연결돼 있는 이순신장군님에 대한 것을 많이 알아볼 수 있었어.. 뮤지엄숍에서 기념품으로 이 두 위인에 대한 만화책을 샀어… 두 권 다 한국어로 사려고 했는데 세종대왕의 인기가 이순신 장군님보단 더 높은가 봐서 세종대왕 건 품절돼 있었어.. ㅠㅠ 할 수 없이 중국어판으로 계산했어...
at the king sejong's story museum, i was able to learn much about both king sejong and admiral yi sun shin.. i also bought two comic books based on these two great men at the museum shop as souvenirs.. i wanted to buy both the korean versions, but (probably) due to the higher popularity of king sejong, king sejong's korean version of the comic book was sold out.. ㅠㅠ i had no choice but to settle for the mandarin version..
졸업여행의 첫 삼일은 이렇게 끝이 났어…
and with that, we ended the first three days of our graduation trip
end of part 2
link for original post (with errors):
and some great words from 세종대왕...
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